ACL Rehabilitation in Jacksonville, FL

Have you had an ACL injury or surgery?

Looking for the right place to do your rehab to get back to playing your sport?

We provide the HIGHEST level of ACL rehabilitation in the Jacksonville, FL area.

Recovering from ACL reconstruction is complex.

Research tells us approximately 1 in 5 people will suffer a second ACL tear.

Having a physical therapist that specializes in ACL rehabilitation is equally as important as a surgeon who specializes in ACL surgery.

Meet Your ACL Rehabilitation Physical Therapist


Dr. Raven Mott, PT, DPT, CERT.DN, CF-L1

ā€œRecovering from an ACL reconstruction is one of the most challenging rehab experiences an athlete will ever face.

You might be feeling a lot of frustration, fear, anger, and even confusionā€¦and I want you to know thatā€™s ok.

I understand the how hard the physical, emotional and psychological side of recovery can be. Unfortunately, many healthcare providers donā€™t understand what youā€™re going through, but I am here to help guide you through your recovery and get you back to the sport and activities you love.

Your personal ACL journey can last from 9-18 months and having proper guidance by an expert is absolutely crucial to getting you back on the field, playing at a higher level than before, and being completely confident in your knee.

Iā€™ve worked with athletes at all stages of the rehab process to help them come up with a clear plan thatā€™s specific to their sport.

Traditional physical therapy, like where your grandma would go, often falls short when it comes to providing a rehab and training plan that is specific to you as an athlete. Instead of being one face in a crowd of patients, our services are customized to YOUR NEEDS.

Iā€™m looking forward to working with you and watching you crush your rehab journey!ā€

Come See Our Well-Equipped Facility for ACL Rehabilitation

Most physical therapy clinics provide post-operative care that is limited due to small treatment space and inadequate equipment.

Our facility has the open space and proper equipment for recovering athletes. This allows us to challenge our athletes, appropriately strengthen them, and gradually reintroduce sport-specific task such as running, cutting, jumping and landing.

Regaining confidence is a huge component of recovery and having the proper space to safely perform sport specific movements is pivotal.


What You Get When Working With Us:

  • Undivided Attention

    • 60 Minute 1-on-1 Evaluation

    • 60 Minute 1-on-1 Follow-Up Treatments

  • Peace of Mind

    • 24/7 Text Message Access to Your Physical Therapist

  • Streamlined Care

    • Customized Video Based Home Program

  • All Needed Equipment: Bands, Straps, and Mobility Tools


We are a facility that includes:

  • Extensive Free Weights

  • Barbells

  • Sleds

  • Medicine Balls

  • Plyometric Boxes


Learn more about ACL rehabilitation and our services at Samson Strength & Performance PT


 Samson Strength & Performance PT
408 Beach Blvd, Suite 104
Jacksonville Beach, FL, 32250